5 Public Commenting Tactics

If you’ve been following the presidential race, then you know that social media is a huge part of every candidate’s campaign. Social networks like Facebook and Twitter are where people turn to share their thoughts on everything from politics to pop culture. With this in mind, it’s no surprise that public commenting has become one of the most popular ways for businesses to engage with their customers online – regardless of what industry they’re in!  This blog post will teach you 5 different tactics that can help your business get more engagement on social media.

1) Learn What Makes Them Tick

Learn about who your audience is so that you can tailor posts specifically for them instead of making broad generalizations or assumptions. You want to make sure all messaging resonates with your audience, so you’ve got to find out what they like and don’t like. By learning more about them (and how they interact), you can create an engaging social media presence that connects on a deeper level than simple hashtags or meme posts.

2) Participate in Conversations

If you want to get more engagement on your social media posts, then you’ve got to be willing to engage. If an audience member asks a question about one of your products or services (or even if they’re simply talking about something related), don’t ignore it! Jump into the conversation and answer their questions directly while also leveraging that public comment for increased visibility of your brand. You can include hashtags like #socialmediamarketing along with industry-specific keywords so people who are searching for similar topics will find what they’re looking for – including yours!

3) Promote Customer-Generated Content

Customer reviews and testimonials are a great way to boost your social media engagement because they show that you’re willing to listen. You can encourage more people to take the time out of their busy day to leave reviews by simply asking for them – especially if it’s something related directly to one of your products or services! If you get enough positive feedback, then post some of these reviews on social media so other potential customers know what kind of experience current clients have with your business. This tactic will also help increase search rankings since Google prefers sites with multiple high ratings from different sources over those where just a handful come from the same source.

4) Use Content Marketing

If you’re going to start a blog post, then make sure it’s about something people care about. You should stay away from posting content that doesn’t add value or is simply there for the sake of having another thing online – which includes writing filler posts just so you can have more things to share on social media! If your blog focuses on specific keywords and topics related to your industry, then this will make it easier for search engines like Google and Bing to find you when someone searches those terms. It’ll also help get more engagement because relevant audiences are much more likely to respond favorably than ones who were compelled through any other means (like buying ads).

In addition, if you know what kind of information people want in your niche (and you know that they’re willing to share it), then create infographics and visual content like images, charts, and videos. Visuals are one of the most engaging types of media out there because we process information in this way naturally – which is why people spend twice as much time on Instagram than on Facebook!

Content marketing can also be done through eBooks or white papers if your audience tends to read more online instead of watching video content. Either way, being able to provide valuable resources related directly to your brand will help keep visitors around for longer periods while simultaneously increasing search rankings since Google prefers sites with original/unique content over ones where everything has been repurposed from somewhere else.

5) Don’t Overdo It

It’s easy to get carried away with social media, especially when you’re starting out. However, there are some people who try too hard – and it actually causes them to lose followers! If your strategy involves following or unfollowing thousands of accounts every day (or even several times per hour) then that will definitely catch the attention of Twitter in particular since they’ve been cracking down on this type of activity recently. Your brand might also look spammy if you post more than one link within a short period of time because search engines like Google prefer sites with multiple pages/posts instead of just repeating content over and over again in different places.

If possible, stick to posting three things at most each day unless it’s around the time of a special event or launch. This will help you increase engagement while showing that your brand isn’t just in it for quantity over quality!

If you’ve been following the presidential race, then you know that social media is a huge part of every candidate’s campaign. Social networks like Facebook and Twitter are where people turn to share their thoughts on everything from politics to pop culture. With this in mind, it’s no surprise that public commenting has become one…